column no. 00


22/03/25 - 09:18 pm - new mode type detection system

scan: complete.


about 

the new mode type detection system (NM-TDS) identifies new-type specimens, often distorted or difficult to identify, with system tags for catalog and trade. resolution will vary but dithered pixels are forever.


 index

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all rights reserved.

column no. 01


22/03/25 - 09:32 pm - new mode type detection system

details 01.1


identifier: nm-06-01-nb-004
origin: ether
type: 06
surface: 01

resolution: 560x420px
zoom factor: 2x

minted by: DKBBQ


 scan: 004

details 01.2


contract: 0x495f94...
token id: 6346778399184432...

token standard: ERC-1155
blockchain: ethereum


trade: nm0601nb004

filter: type 06

column no. 02


 verified hyperlinks


follow system reports, browse new-type discoveries, and interact with system admins directly.


link: opensea 

link: twitter 

link: discord 


 220613

new-type specimen floating in space.